A autora

Profesor at Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), Post Doc in Anthropology at  ICS and CRIA (Lisbon and New Lisbon University, respectively),  Master and PhD in African Linguistics, both at the University of São Paulo (Brazil), I have always taken my career to two distinguished but parallel paths: an academic life, as for intellectual production; and a more pragmatic life, as for creator and coordinator of social projects, especially focused on education, ethnically marked in communities (descendants of slaves in Cuba and Brazil; and African immigrants in Portugal). I have got scholarships from research agencies since my graduation, which allowed me to develop a work focused on contacts (linguistics, religious).

I conduct field research in Brazil (Maranhão), Cuba, Congo (RDC) and Angola.

 In 2004, I was contemplated via public service announcement with the project “Falando em Quilombo” (Speaking of Quilombo), sponsored by Petrobras Cultural Program, which aims to implement an educational method suitable to quilombolas area in Maranhão. During the year of 2004, I lived in one of those quilombos and in 2006, I was appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil (CAPES, Brazil) as a lecturer at the University of Havana, in Cuba. In 2008, I was approved by FCT for a Post PhD in Anthropology. Since then I have published in the areas of Linguistics (Education) and Anthropology.

I have taught at the Universidad de La Habana, Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA) and developed educational projects in NGOs (indigenous areas in the Amazon and quilombola communities). I have managed to obtain financial resources from private companies to implement projects (social and academic): four of them from Petrobras S/A, one from Banco do Nordeste (Northeast Bank), two from Ministry of Culture, one from IBRAM (Brazilian Institute for Museum) and one from OI FUTURO Program. Two from these projects in Visual Anthropology received awards by UNESCO (Non material Heritage). Currently, I have been doing field investigations in Congo (DRC), Angola, Brazil and Cuba, consolidating an academic career focused on relations between the Iberian world and the African presence in the Americas.


OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Ana Stela Almeida Cunha (11 de Fevereiro de 2015). A autora. Sobola! Recuperado em 19 de Fevereiro de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/u9o7

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